Dialect Drama Game in Game
Dialect Drama Game in Game tells a story set in 1930s Shanghai, featuring a star-studded cast of well-known Shanghai actors. Directed by HE Nian and written by ZHAO Huanan, the play stars MAO Shanyu and ZHAO Zhigang appear as a couple, while MAO Mengda and HUANG Ling play a pair of fake spouses. HE Saifei and HAO Ping team up as two characters who deceive others through marriage matchmaking to con others out of their wealth. Throughout the play, various misunderstandings and humorous situations unfold as the characters try to outsmart each other, with suspense and comedy running high. The production is primarily performed in the Shanghai dialect, with appearances of other regional dialects, including Ningbo Mandarin, Shaanxi dialect, and Subei dialect, adding further charm to the performance.